NY Catch Up

Maybe I should make a blog post? It’s been a bit. Here’s a few things I’ve gotten up to in New York since I last posted.

MARCH 20: Went down to the Met to check out their Alice Neel exhibit. It was great, one of my top 5 art exhibits I’ve been to during my New York days for sure. Her portraits aren’t what you’d typically call realistic, but something about them leaves an impression about who the subject is. Felt I knew these people better than if someone had painted a photo realistic approximating portrait them.

Also, there was a big line that morning. But the nice thing about being in line at a museum is you get to look at other art as you wait.

Look at the line when I got out of the exhibit! (Actually the line I waited in was about as long). Post-Alice Neel I checked on some old Met favorites and went and saw the Big Bird that’s on the roof for the summer.

MAY 22: Walked up into the Bronx, took some of these pictures while I was there.

JUNE 10: Went down to Union Square and had lunch at Han Dynasty with our friend Ryan, followed that up with a little Village and Soho walking around.

JUNE 18: Left my apartment, took the train to midtown, then I walked to the Whitney to see a little art that night with Patricia. I’d say, pound for pound, to me the Whitney is the most reliable museum for a good little visit we’ve got in the city. And I love spending time out on its terraces.

JUNE 19: The stake organized a trip to a pro football game in New Jersey, so now I’ve been to a pro football game. But not the American kind.