September in Summary: No Food Edition

After a couple of slow months I actually ate pretty interestingly in September, so foods get their whole own post. This is my general interest September post, and it's going to be mostly pictures from walks I took.

Out and about in Chinatown and such, the Chinese grocery store had plenty of fresh Pikachus

Daytime neighborhood walk, I discover there's a public pool right by my house on the day that it closes for the fall.

This one Sunday Ned showed me the workshop room at the 66th street chapel that I had never seen before or had any idea about.

Looked up at Union Square and saw some roof trees I had never seen before

Heading to church one Sunday, finding out there's no train and I've got to take a shuttle bus

You've got miles to go before you sleep, pal

On the night of the Chelsea bomb I was with Patricia watching Alex Cameron and Angel Olsen at Webster Hall

Afterwords we went crazy on strange sodas across the street at M2M (Patricia had a cinammon soda and a little fancy ginger ale)

I had a lemon drink that met 800% of my Vitamin C needs

Another day, an evening neighborhood walk

The next day, last Saturday, Carol was in town. Ate lunch with her and Lauri but I will not show you pictures of the food now! Those are for the next post. And afters I enjoyed some sunshiney times in Washington Square Park

Sunday: Fancy breakfast at Le Coucou with Carol, the prettiest new restaurant in the city. Again: You must wait for the food photos that I know you're dying to see.

Important News: Refreshed my hat just in time for October

Met up with Carol and Madeleine at Chelsea Market for a minute before sitting around at JB's house before she caught her train out of town. Some advice: If you can find an apartment with a chandelier, take it.

Tutoring is back in business and I'm looking for a new kid to work with. Night One report: 2 kids showed up, but about a dozen tutors were there. Forward!

Night time bus on my way to do some Taco Home Teaching

Cory was in town for business the last week of September, had a good time eating (wait) and hanging with him.

Thursday morning we met up at the High Line. I love this sign. I want signs like this everywhere.

This is a statue

And THAT was September, except for the food parts.