Prague Reunion Weekend

At the beginning of November Jeff and Noelle were in town with young Benjamin and I met up with them at the Museum of Natural History.

So guess what? After the museum Ben and Noelle went to the airport but Jeff, Jeff stayed in New York. To party.

First we partied by walking to the river

Then we partied BIG time watching the last game of the World Series from Henry from swim team's restaurant, Hank's Juicy Beef. What a roller coaster! And what a win!

Then Thursday we woke up into that new world of Cubs being World Series champions and went and had lunch at White Gold, April Bloomfield's new UWS butcher shop/restaurant. If you're looking for a place packed with the worst and most obnoxious Upper West Side stereotypes imaginable at lunch time, may I suggest this establishment? My fancy chop cheese and roasted broccoli were pretty good, though. (And the bathroom had cool wallpaper)

Then we learned about the Ansonia Hotel and walked around Fairway 

Then we had to run back to the apartment because my friend, Jeff's former roommate Ryan, flew into town to participate in this long weekend adventure, too. But I don't have any more pictures until that night when we went to Famous Sichuan with ex-Nashvillain Matt. I love Famous Sichuan and it was a big hit with everyone else. Success! Also: the last time Jeff and Ryan and I had hung out was Jeff's wedding in Prague, so that's why I called this post "Prague Reunion Weekend." And also, clearly this all took place over well over a weekend. 

Friday we started off with lunch at Momofuku Ssam. I'm not crazy about their new barbecue-vibe lunch menu, but the classics are still classic and these new Korean ribs were dope. File this place under: "Visit for dinner" for the time being.

Then we went down to the Financial to look at where Jeff used to work and do a lot of walking around

Then it was dinner at the Chelsea Market (no pictures of that, apparently) and hit up the Whitney with Mattias. The portrait exhibit is sitll dope but I wish I had set aside more time for the videos exhibit

Saturday morning we saw Dr Strange with Jeff and then headed to Dumont Burger, followed with ample Brooklyn explorations

Now I'm getting confused, but I think these pictures are from Monday? I must not have taken an Sunday pictures? But here's Monday. We started off with slices from Patsy's, went to the UN, and walked around midtown a little before taking pictures inside a building lobby we weren't supposed to take pictures in.