Some August, 2

A big thing that happened in August was I flew out to LA to drive up to Utah for Andrew’s wedding and then drove back to LA. This is going to be an extremely cursory overview of that trip that, even in its brevity, contains about 100 pictures.

August 19: I fly out to LA with a layover in Denver.

August 20: San Marino stuff during the day, including a walk to see the turtles at Cal Tech, and went to Disneyland to check out Galaxy’s Edge with Collin that night. (That was it’s whole own post though, remember?)

August 21: Today was the big drive up to Utah. It was an all-day activity. I ate with my buddy Brandon in Vegas and, well, didn’t take a lot of pictures of the drive or anything.

August 22: Utah! They’ve got a new dog at Kristen’s house. In the afternoon I had Prettybird with Natalie and Jake…they just can’t make it hot enough for me there, though…and I spent the night at Andrew’s getting ready for the wedding.

August 23: Woke up in Midway and Andrew was buying everyone donuts…and also very protective of his rice vinegar bottle.

Ok, insert here me going back down to Highland for a bit, then fast forward to that evening. It’s the wedding! And things were a little too busy for picture taking. But here’s some I snapped after the ceremony when Andrew, a married man for mere minutes, began making everyone pizzas.

August 24: Sunday in Utah! What more can I say?

August 25: Back on the road! This time I took pictures. The “big” thing about my drive back was I stopped to check out those rocks everyone was Instagramming last year. And stopped into a desolate casino to find a bathroom.

August 26: Lunch with Collin at Disney, tacos downtown with Cher.

August 27: Had a little time to go to the LA Arboretum with Grandma before my flight. I had not been there for a VERY long time and it was a LOT bigger than I remembered. Still has peacocks, though.