Oh Yeah, Utah

I was just starting an important New York post when I remembered that from Chicago I went straight to Utah for Walker’s baptism and general family togetherness. So I present to you that post…

Things kicked off with Rachel’s soccer game. I got too cold so I walked to an Arctic Circle I had seen on my way there. And then, just before ordering a corndog, I realized I hadn’t brought my wallet. Oh well. At least I was warm.

The next day: Down to Provo for a visit to the BYU Museum of Art and Bean Museum of Dead Animals. At the MoA I ran into my old buddy Jon! And at the Bean Museum I learned about the theory of evolution! I also had fish tacos at Rubio’s while everyone else ate salads.

Just a tiny glimpse of the work involved in getting 30lbs of carnitas ready for the party the next day. And then Look! it’s the party the next day. Guess I didn’t take any pictures at the baptism. Just imagine me trying to give a good talk.

Sunday: Lazy Sunday, a little church, and then off to the airport with me!