March + April 2020

Back from Boise and things . . . start to change. Suddenly.

MARCH 5: Get “burgers'“ with Patricia at Lekka, a new vegan fast food place in Tribeca. It’s good, it is not Superiority Burger. I guess they had no option but to not be Superiority Burger. (Interestingly, Lekka’s owners ran their first restaurant in the space that’s now Superiority Burger).

MARCH 6: Little trip into Jersey to eat at the famous pizza bakery and a famous, strangely silent and empty yet busy burger diner.

MARCH 7: I’m in the East Village for some reason. I get two slices at Sauce. It’s a great pizzeria.


MARCH 11: Aaaaand . . . I don’t go into work any more! The plan at first is to split the whole office into two teams and take turns not going into work, but by the end of the week it’s: Nope! No one come back! This is the second (and last) set of lilies I buy myself that month. I find myself very into having flowers making the house smell nice. Would like to get back to doing that.


MARCH 14: Not sure what I’m doing yet, but knowing I’m not taking the subway anymore, I take a walk up to Van Cortland park in the Bronx. Great park! I should go back sometime.

MARCH 15: Still unsure what exactly the way to do things is, I meet Ellen, Alexis, Ned and Dallin for a socially-distanced walk through Inwood Hill Park.

MARCH 17: In the middle of my WFM workday, I take a quick rainy St Patrick’s Day trip to C Town (that’s a grocery store). No need to worry about supply chain yet, there was plenty of beef heart.

MARCH 21: Having watched the news and feeling I better make sure I’ve got plenty of toilet paper, I take a walk to the Target near my house and run into Garrett while I’m there. What a world!

MARCH 22: Take an afternoon walk in Inwood Hill Park. Although you don’t see many of them in the photos, I decide there’s too many people out. There’s too many people everywhere! I decide: I will not go outside anymore. Except to get groceries every week or two.

MARCH 28: My new chair arrives.


APRIL 1: Grandma’s new iPad has arrived.


APRIL 8: I go outside to . . . mail my rent! And while I’m out I take a mask delivery from a secret supplier and grab some Taco Bell.

APRIL 10: My new bike arrives.


and Elder Muñoz has arrived, too, if only for a few weeks


APRIL 15: For some reason I go out during the day again, get Taco Bell again . . . it might have been to get veggies from the vegetable stand? But they didn’t have what I was looking for.

APRIL 30: You know I really did have a very nice at-home birthday and birthday party. AND a real nice surprise sope delivery from an unidentified masked friend. It’s so hard to tell who people are these days! (ok, ok, it was Ana).

And if you follow my Instagram you know I’ve been cooking a lot but I’ve decided to mostly spare you the food pics . . . for now.