We Spent April and May in Wedded Bliss In Columbus

So after our neat Hawaiian honeymoon, Liz and I drove from Chicago to Columbus to start being married people together. With Cornelius!

This will be a post about things we did during April and May in Columbus, but it will also be pictures from walking around in the neighborhood, something we and I did quite a bit of.

A great thing about Columbus is driving over to Katie and Joel’s for a meal or for a hang. Right off the bat we were there right away.

Just a few days after getting to Columbus, Mitch & Niall and Co came through town as part of their great American road trip and we met up with them for Mexican. It was wonderful!

Also right away it was Easter and Katie and Joel hosted a big Hawaii-themed Easter dinner where we made kalua pig and showed a honeymoon slideshow. Also Cornelius had to wear his Hawaii outfit but didn’t have to come to dinner.

As you might know, we got a cat carrier backpack so I started taking Cornelius on walks around the neighborhood. He doesn’t love it. But he does love sitting in the carrier out on the patio. He understands that that’s the way he gets to go outside so when he sees me come down the stairs in the morning he runs full speed and leaps into the backpack. And also here are some pictures from walking around outside, not always with the backpack.

One afternoon I was helpful and picked some stuff up at the church that Liz had left there.

There was this evening where we walked to the Giant Eagle grocery store.

April 14th we had a real fun night — we went out to Marion, Ohio to see their High School production of Mean Girls as one of Liz’s intern Alyx was handling percussion for the show and the show was just great! Amazing star power they’ve got out in Marion. And equally amazing was the Stewart’s Root Beer Drive-In they have in Marion. They hang it right on your window, just like in the movies! Great stuff.

The next day (Saturday the 15th) I got to go watch Liz play songs for old folks at their home and then we did some furniture shopping before my niece-in-law Carolyn came over to eat noodles and watch Champions with us while outfit-coordinating with Liz.

Here are miscellaneous photos from April 16-20th…

On the evening of the 20th I got to go see Liz play with ORB (the Obscure Reference Band), a video game music band.

Then the next night I went with Liz and her (our?) friend Claudia to see this band Snarky Puppy. Always interesting when a band you have never, ever heard of before turns out to be very popular.

Then the next day, April 22nd, I had an early birthday party with the adults from Liz’s family at the 94th Aero Squadron by the Columbus Airport. I had my 15th birthday dinner at the Chicago Aero Squadron so it was a lot of fun to return to one again, even if it was about to close in a few weeks and definitely acting like it.

A few days later we had a picnic dinner before helping clean the newly renovated Columbus Temple

Another performance by Liz for old people … this time at a really fancy retirement community

And then on the evening April 28th we drove down to Nashville and got dinner at the amazing Joyland before crashing at Jeff and Noelle’s

Saturday the 29th started with Benji’s football game, a visit to the Buddy Bench, and tiny donuts before a visit to the new Prince’s Hot Chicken (I miss the old Prince’s) with Cousin Katharine joining us before it was time to say adios to the R*smussens.

Then we went to Loveless Cafe with Annemarie and Adam before spending the night at their place. And then I woke up and it was my birthday! Which began with country livin’ and chickens before the drive back to Columbus (with a stop for a little birthday lunch at Skyline Chili!)

Here are pictures from around the neighborhood and of Cornelius and a second ORB gig from another during the next space of time before our big Columbus reception and the visit from my folks.

After the reception weekend and after my parents had left there was a big gathering of Liz’s family at a very fancy Dairy Queen. And after this there are nice pictures of things we did before our trip out to Utah for our big third and final wedding celebration, like making cavatelli at Katie and Joel’s or going to Target a few times or taking Cornelius out in a stroller he didn’t like very much and stuff like that.

Oh and something really fun we did before the Utah trip was go on a little taquito tour of our neighborhood, enjoying a little meal at Las Carnitas and Super Torta before getting dessert at a very busy Culver’s.

Oh! And the Saturday morning after that there was a surprise birthday party for Anne, Liz’s mom, who is also my mom now, too.

And then we went to Utah and came back from Utah. In the tiny little bit of time before we left for New York I got my neighborhood pool pass and went swimming once. What a life!

Ok, now I just need to make a blog post (or two?) about our Summer in New York and then I think we’ll be all caught up? As long as we don’t do anything else, like drive back to Columbus or fly out to Aunt Louise’s birthday party.