This May Have Been a Family Reunion

Two weekends ago I flew out to Utah to hear my dad speak at BYU as a Distinguished Graduate being honored at Homecoming. For me it was an exciting opportunity to finally learn what my dad does at his job!

The Good People of Utah (and Also the Best Tacos in the United States)

(Before going deep with this post, you might need to revisit my original blog post about Tacos Don Joaquin, the taco shop in Provo and Springville that I am only more and more convinced serves the best tacos in all of the United States)

When I was in Utah I didn't just go up the canyon for wedding events. I also hung out around Kristen and Cory's house with Scout. 

Ok and if you got all the way to the bottom and now you feel like you need to take a look at that original Tacos Don Joaquin post from my old blog you can do that down here without scrolling all the way back up. Nice and Easy!

And also, isn't it weird I didn't take any pictures of Cory or Blake while I was out there? I don't know how that happened. They were there! Cory and I even saw San Andreas together.