November 2020

It’s funny. I really thought I was going to have this November post ready to go by December 1st. Well. Here we are, he we go.

Found myself in and around the village the night when the newspapers called the election. Was almost trampled by a jazz parade. Do not know why I dared the Washington Square crowds. Should have brought a book?

NOVEMBER 14: For Owen’s birthday I took a bit of a Midtown walk before stopping by Tara’s book signing in the park.

NOVEMBER 23: A little work crisis had me needing to run down to Wall Street that night. Took some pictures once the problem was cleared up.

NOVEMBER 27: Nice little walk to and through Inwood Hill Park? Why not!

And here is a family portrait I took representing my collection of gray New Balances


Coronavirus is kicking back in, there’s not much to be posting.

October 2020

With all my museum trips and my one hiking trip there hasn’t been a lot else to blog about every month, but I’ve dug up a few things I can report on from October that I haven’t already posted about.

One of them being a museum trip.

October 1: I had to hike into the Bronx to be finger printed, passed these two murals. It was almost the same walk that I took for my antibody test in, like, May or whatever it was.

October 3-4: For my General Conference cooking experiments I made pancakes myself for the very first time ever. And beef ragu on paperdalle for the first time ever.

October 8: I went downtown and picked up my mug from a former coworker at Goldman. I was surprised to see how many people seem to be doing office jobs now. I got street meat from my preferred Halal guy down there because my Korean cart guy was packing up when I arrived. Then I walked up to Soho and tried on things at Drakes and APC that perhaps I will buy myself when the winter sales hit. It will feel nice to spend money!

October 13-24: Some things I ate: A Frankenstein donut. A thing I call “Viking Plate.” Brussels sprout tacos. A broccoli casserole omelette.

October 25: There was a backhoe in the back of church this Sunday. And more monster donuts.

October 30: I had a little Halloween party to get to downtown. I dressed up as a vampire. But first I dipped into the Whitney for a bit. To have another look again.

October 31: Out a little bit on Halloween night. Nothing too spooky happened.

Limited Access Visit #8: Chelsea Galleries

October 13th: Wow, a month ago? Time is flying again! Anyway, October 13th I spent some time in the art galleries of Chelsea. This is a thing I really like to do, even if I go without knowing what to expect.

Hauser Wirth: There’s this new multi-story Hauser Wirth gallery, it’s practically a museum and there’s a big opening ceiling on the top floor!

Lisson Gallery: Well, this Ryan Gander show featuring sleeping cats (that breathed!) and a mouse that would pop out of its whole to monologue at you when it saw you coming, was just great! I don’t believe it’s there anymore. Sorry I didn’t show you these earlier.

Pace Gallery: The multi-floor Pace Gallery is even bigger and more like a museum than the Howser Wirth one with a cool open space up on top. Highlights from this visit: a bunch of Jena Dubuffet on the ground floor and Yoshitomo Nara up among the higher floors.

…ok before I show you stuff from the roof I just want you to see where it is, it’s under that grey two-story thing on the right. The grey two-story thing part of the gallery straddles the open roof area, so you can be outside and not get rained on unless you want to really bad.

And here’s a surprise ending! Turns out the Hudson Yards mall is open (and empty!). Hello Vessel, hello big gorilla!