October 2020

With all my museum trips and my one hiking trip there hasn’t been a lot else to blog about every month, but I’ve dug up a few things I can report on from October that I haven’t already posted about.

One of them being a museum trip.

October 1: I had to hike into the Bronx to be finger printed, passed these two murals. It was almost the same walk that I took for my antibody test in, like, May or whatever it was.

October 3-4: For my General Conference cooking experiments I made pancakes myself for the very first time ever. And beef ragu on paperdalle for the first time ever.

October 8: I went downtown and picked up my mug from a former coworker at Goldman. I was surprised to see how many people seem to be doing office jobs now. I got street meat from my preferred Halal guy down there because my Korean cart guy was packing up when I arrived. Then I walked up to Soho and tried on things at Drakes and APC that perhaps I will buy myself when the winter sales hit. It will feel nice to spend money!

October 13-24: Some things I ate: A Frankenstein donut. A thing I call “Viking Plate.” Brussels sprout tacos. A broccoli casserole omelette.

October 25: There was a backhoe in the back of church this Sunday. And more monster donuts.

October 30: I had a little Halloween party to get to downtown. I dressed up as a vampire. But first I dipped into the Whitney for a bit. To have another look again.

October 31: Out a little bit on Halloween night. Nothing too spooky happened.