Limited Access Visit #8: Chelsea Galleries

October 13th: Wow, a month ago? Time is flying again! Anyway, October 13th I spent some time in the art galleries of Chelsea. This is a thing I really like to do, even if I go without knowing what to expect.

Hauser Wirth: There’s this new multi-story Hauser Wirth gallery, it’s practically a museum and there’s a big opening ceiling on the top floor!

Lisson Gallery: Well, this Ryan Gander show featuring sleeping cats (that breathed!) and a mouse that would pop out of its whole to monologue at you when it saw you coming, was just great! I don’t believe it’s there anymore. Sorry I didn’t show you these earlier.

Pace Gallery: The multi-floor Pace Gallery is even bigger and more like a museum than the Howser Wirth one with a cool open space up on top. Highlights from this visit: a bunch of Jena Dubuffet on the ground floor and Yoshitomo Nara up among the higher floors.

…ok before I show you stuff from the roof I just want you to see where it is, it’s under that grey two-story thing on the right. The grey two-story thing part of the gallery straddles the open roof area, so you can be outside and not get rained on unless you want to really bad.

And here’s a surprise ending! Turns out the Hudson Yards mall is open (and empty!). Hello Vessel, hello big gorilla!