January and February Rounded Up
Back from Los Angeles, I kicked off the year with two major purchases: an exercise bike and new knives. Promise I'm still riding the bike daily and cutting things up at every chance I get.
Socially, the year was off to a good start with Kristin and Devon and Emily's triple birthday at Hank's Juicy Beef. High School friends hosting New York friends at their Chicago Italian Beef restaurants. Just what I always expected to happen.
Caught the spectacular Kerry James Marshall show at the Breuer just before it closed. I hear the show is headed to Los Angeles next? Don't miss it!
Other good art from around the city:
Some Harlem walking. Sneaker lines as usual.
Some of the best eating: Brisket at Momofuku Ssam Bar and the Queso Shell taco at Tacos No 1
My major accomplishment of the first 1/6th of the year: Cooking carnitas for 30-40 for Heather's party at Trevor's. I couldn't have pulled it off without Heather's help or Tom's sous chef-ing. And I was too busy to take any pictures but here's boiled tomatillos on their way to becoming salsa and Tom plating tacos.
And speaking of birthdays, had a major time participating in Tara's birthday donut crawl. We drove two cars around the city and ate at the Donut Project, Dough, the Donut Plant and Underwest Donuts. After Donut Project I was stuffed, but I didn't give up. We were fortunate to have skilled-baker Cystalyn present to cut each donut into 11 pieces. Everyone sampled everything. Favorites? Lemon or Beet and Ricotta donuts at Donut Project.
And that's a little New York interlude. Next up: Another trip to California means another set of LA posts.