Let Me Catch You Up on a Utah Trip
One weekend in October I flew out to Utah on a Saturday night, getting in late, but not too late for Del Taco. I spent the daytime of the next day with Kristen’s family, admiring the basement they live in now and the progress of the remodeling of their real house
Kristen’s family did me the gigantic solid of taking me down to Salt Lake so I could try Pretty Bird, which I found to be absolutely excellent. Like, stupendous. Better than absolutely any chicken sandwich in New York, that’s for sure. I ordered their hot chicken as hot as I could and it was hot but not as hot as I’d hoped. It’s ok. It was still delicious and the fries I found to be beyond compare as well. Five stars to Pretty Bird! (or as one niece called it, “Chicken Bird”, which is a great name, too)
Post-chicken we went to the mall and Rachel talked her folks into renting some Bird scooters. Behold, me about to be very daring.
Now, the big reason I was out there in Utah was for our friend Carol’s wedding reception. YOU WOULD THINK I’d have a lot of pictures from this party. But nope! YOU WOULD THINK I’d at least have a picture of Carol in her wedding dress. Nope! I was just too busy enjoying the party and being reunited with all sorts of good folks to remember to account for it. Well, please believe me that it was good. And see here an out of focus picture of the venue, the cake, some of the dinner (yes, Don Joaquin catering in the house), and the Lymans, who came up to see me and meet Carol. I think eventually some very high quality pictures of this party will emerge online. Somewhere.
The next morning I woke up in Park City. What a crazy night I must have had!
On the way home I checked on Grandma’s and refined my perfect In n Out order (cheeseburger animal style, hold the lettuce and tomato, add raw onions [so, yes, raw + grilled onions are on this burger]—this is the way to make In n Out not just palatable but actually very quite tasty)
I made it back to beautiful Highland in time for a little bit of church and then a quick trip to the Sizzler before flying back to New York that afternoon. No more red eyes for me!!