Let Me Catch You Up on Some New York Things
First of all, I’m pretty sure I haven’t told you that right before I went to Chicago I had lunch with our friend Andrew’s folks while they were in town. It was a real treat. I asked them where they might want to eat and Fred said “Take us somewhere spicy!” What a treat for me to hear that. Plus it was Candy’s birthday. What an honor for me to share a spicy birthday meal with them!
Now, big news, our friend Kim has moved back to New York. Shortly after returning from Chicago she invited me to join her for a Mets game . . . aaaand her work had hooked her up with luxury box seats, or whatever they’re called. And guess what: I like watching baseball games this way very much. For me there was definitely a learning curve stepping into this luxury baseball life, but if you gave me a second chance, I know I could really nail it. Also: It turns out the hallway of the luxury box part of the stadium is a lot like the hallway of a nice hospital. Everything is a smidge too carpeted for my tastes. They should make the fancy part of the stadium feel a little more like a stadium. Just a suggestion!
One Saturday evening I went down to Brooklyn Bridge Park for Alexis’s 10th New York Anniversary party. Looks like I didn’t really get pictures of anyone except Karrie and Michael! BUT I did get pictures of a surprise engagement con mariachi. Pretty cool!
Another Saturday morning I invited friends to meet me at the Cloisters to catch one of the last days of the Heavenly Bodies exhibit. Looks like I didn’t really get any pictures of my friends there except for Tara! (And Cher had even flown out from LA for it). BUT then I had everyone over afters to watch Conference and at least I got a picture of the backs of some of their heads. There also might be photos out there of everyone fallen asleep, but you won’t find those here!
One thing about the religious clothes show in the castle: Eventually I started thinking it was a Dune exhibit.
Thanks to the General Women’s Session, that night I was able to go see Ian Svenonius (in the guise of Escape-Ism) and Martin Rev on an upper floor of a great big synagogue (or temple?) in Brooklyn. It was one of the most New York things I’ve done in a good long while.
Another very New York thing: One Sunday I walked through the wrapping-up of the annual Fort Tryon Medieval Festival on my way home from church. I hadn’t been to it in a number of years. I would go again again.
And now I hope we all feel nice and caught up on New York and ready for a quick Utah weekend…