Cars, Trees, Rocks and a Mall

October 17th: I found myself very lucky to have been invited on a jaunt out of the city to hike around and enjoy people and nature. This was my first time out of the city since mid-March, I tried to make the most of it. Our goal was to be hiking in the Minnewaska area, maybe see a lake and a waterfall, but lots of other people wanted to be enjoying nature that day and the parking lots of every trailhead were totally full until we found one lot where exactly two spots were left (and that’s the number of spots we needed). So whatever that hike was, we did it and it was great.

After the hike, we had a nice little lunch and walk-around in New Paltz.

After New Paltz I found myself in a car back to the city that needed to make a stop at a Target … a Target which was attached to the Palisades Mall! Boy nothing brings you back to life during a pandemic like a walk around a gigantic mall where they’re really trying to get people’s money any way they can!