March: Some Stuff From It.

Yeah, so there was this stretch of six weeks where I was working all day every day...and by all day, I really mean all day (8am to midnight) and by every day, I mean absolutely every day (that I wasn't in California). That light burned bright and brief, it was a six week sprint, and then suddenly one Friday, the case was done and my time was my own.

So I ran to the nearest theater and saw Episode VII one last time in the theater while I could. That would make five times I saw it in the theater. By seeing it in the theater five times, I find myself in no rush to get the Blu Ray.

The next morning I met up with Karrie and Laura from my Bachelor watching group to eat and the walk around taking pictures. It was a great way to celebrate my first Saturday off of the year.

At this point our group disengaged and I wandered down through the Village to Soho.

This is a picture from night time on another day.

In celebration of a job well done, I bought myself a new tie that I thought looked cool. But then when I wore it to church I was like " this just an old United airlines pilot tie?" Thank you to everyone that listened to me make that observation over and over that day.

KFC has got a new kind of spork that's shaped like a shovel. I got this with their new Nashville Hot Chicken. My take on the KFC Hot Chicken: Of course this is crazy that they're making Hot Chicken, but also a little cool that Big Chicken is trying to bring such a niche chicken to the masses, one that is so geographically particular and community dependent...I mean the audacity is remarkable. Anyway. It's not hot. Or super good. But the flavor is surprisingly accurate--the secret might be the pickles? (as long as they remember to include your pickles). Also: all they do is squirt a Hot hot sauce on their normal chicken. It's not real Hot Chicken. Duh.

The day before Easter I went out to Bushwick to try out the well-regarded burger at Fritzl's Lunch Box with Laura. I didn't get a picture of the burger, but I did get a picture of a nearby taco mural.

Then I rode westward a bit to go on a good old fashioned Williamsburg walk.

The day after the day before Easter? It's Easter! This is my co-Home Teacher Mike and there's me in my traditional Easter tie, 11 years running.

One night I had a great feast at Mission Cantina with Leanna where I discovered that, thanks to their Green Chili Cheeseburger, you don't have to drive all the way to Shady Glen (<--that's a good link, you should click it) if you want a crispy cheese overflow sticking out from your burger anymore.

Living up in Harlem now I can just walk to tutoring on Tuesday nights

Stakes were high at the Hotdogs and Homework egg hunt this year

I'm also seeing more of my buddy Steve, too

Being at home and having free time has also let me get back to cooking. Plus one of my goals with the new apartment was to get an oil cloth tablecloth and some Chinatown plates and bowls. Goals accomplished!

Made my old Cannelloni Bean and Kale soup

Tried several iterations of Chongqing Chicken Tacos to get the salsa situation (hidden under the chicken) right

I've "perfected" my Bacon and Rice Cakes through the introducition of chili flake and water

And I bought some quesillo cheese from a nearby Mexican grocer so I can make quesadillas out of everything. In this case, leftover spicy Sichuan sausage.

And one last thing about food...remember that feeling I had about the 7-11 chicken sandwich coming my way?